For the Majestic God

“The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty” Psalm 93:1a

We have a great and majestic God. Straight to the point: God reigns forever. He reigns over the world and our lives. Chaos may seem to have a tight hold on the world today, but ultimately God still reigns and His plan for the future Kingdom will unfold. What is the attitude that we have as we await the kingdom?

Do you recognize the work of God in your own life? It’s easy to fall into a mundane routine of our lives, living each day the same and simply going with the flow of life. In these moments of routine, we are likely to miss God’s mighty hand working within our lives. When life is peaceful and easy, we tend to forget to lift our eyes to God in praise and thanksgiving. 

A family favorite film in my household growing up was the movie Miracle. This movie tells the true story of the U.S. hockey team that participated in the 1980 winter Olympics. It was a ragtag team of college students who didn’t always get along with one another and some of them weren’t the most talented hockey players that the coach could have chosen for his team. The movie recounts the events of Team USA being demolished by the Russia hockey team, who were known as the best hockey team in the world, before the Olympic games even began. The Russia team was confident in their own individual skill and didn’t see Team USA as a threat. However, with training and dedication, this team of college students was able to miraculously have victory over the Russia team during the Olympic games because they relied not on their own skills but on the skills of the team and the guidance of the coach. When we have a lot of success in our life or our life is simply going peacefully, we tend to become confident in our own abilities like Team Russia. We think that by sheer skill we can conquer anything on our own. This is not the case. Our success in life is from God and the peace we feel in good times is a precious gift not to be wasted by relaxing into the good times. King Solomon was seeing a lot of success as king. In the Old Testament passage from today, he had finally completed the temple and instead of praising his own ability and focusing on his own skill like Team Russia, he praised God. He recognized the building of the temple was not something done by himself alone. It was accomplished through the work of man following the instructions and will of God much like Team USA following the instructions of their coach. 

“He said, “O LORD, the God of Israel, there is no god like You in heaven or on earth, keeping covenant and showing lovingkindness to Your servants who walk before You with all their heart; who has kept with Your servant David, my father, that which You have promised him; indeed You have spoken with Your mouth and have fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day.’” - 2 Chronicles 6:14-15

King Solomon recognized the goodness and provision of God in the work of the temple. Take a moment to note the different descriptive terms Solomon uses to describe God and what He has done for the people. How have you seen these things in your own life?

© Makenna Landry, 2024