
There is an old saying, "The difficult we do right away; the impossible takes a little longer." That was probably the motto of a man named Peter who had the audacity to step out of a boat and walk on water.

The story is recorded in three of the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, and John. In particular, Matthew tells us that the triumph over the impossible quickly became exactly that; the impossible: "But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, 'Lord, save me!' " (Matthew 14.30)

Resolute faith, focused on God's Son, made the impossible possible. But doubt, generated by an assessment of circumstances, overpowered faith.

Most of us often face circumstances that seem as impossible as walking on water. There appears to be no way out of marital problems, financial challenges, job or school pressures, addictions, or health issues. We might, like Peter, have taken a bold step of faith out of the boat, but circumstances appear as threatening as wind and waves, and doubt overwhelms faith.

The difference between faith and doubt is focus. Am I fully focused on Christ, who turns the impossible into the possible, or am I focused on circumstances that threaten and menace?

The world is full of naysayers who will negatively assess circumstances. Faith calls out, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4.13)  

Whatever your circumstances, listen today to the call of faith instead of the voice of doubt. He can do far more through faith than we can begin to imagine.

©Steve Taylor, 2016 --Used by permission

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