Many lament the serious decline evident in this country. Escalating violence and mass shootings. Dismal political prospects. Corruption and greed in business and government. Such as it is this side of the kingdom of God. "For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come." (Hebrews 13.14)
The "city" is not lasting. It affords us privileges, and short-term measures perhaps can be taken to correct wrongs, but it cannot and will not last. We seek "the city which is to come."
Passion for the kingdom of God, the "city to come," does not preclude abandonment of the present system. There are biblical mandates for responsible citizenry. But, the coming city and government must be sought first (Matthew 6.33). This first priority will help establish the lesser priorities for the world system which is passing away.
Looking up for our redemption (Luke 21.28) must preface lamenting at the decline of our culture. The present crisis is prelude to the arrival of the King! We've never been closer to that day than we are today. Rejoice in the hope to soon be realized.
©Steve Taylor, 2016 --Used by permission
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