“This is a trustworthy statement; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and profitable for men” Titus 3:8.
Titus had a tough assignment. He served as a pastor/elder on the island of Crete among a people known for dishonest speech and questionable lifestyle. Apparently the church was a reflection of the community, differing little from it. As such, Paul solemnly admonished these believers to live in such a way as to verify and validate the faith they professed. A lifestyle of good deeds would prove the reality of their faith.
It can be said that the faith that saves is the faith that works, as the book of James so well stresses. None of us are saved by works, but the works of our lives evidence the reality of our faith, and our grasp of grace. The proof of what we believe is found in the fruit of our lifestyle.
We live in a world not so different in many ways than that of Crete where Titus served. Talk is cheap, and sound ethics are rare. It is increasingly challenging to resist our culture’s pressure to conform. Without the testimony of a radically different lifestyle, our gospel talk will be perceived as cheap by a skeptical culture. There isn’t so much interest in hearing Christians as in seeing them as real and authentic. Behavior is precursor to belief.
Paul confidently elaborated a trustworthy statement to Titus, and to us: if we have believed, we are deliberate in our efforts to be proactive in works and activities consistent with the profession of faith. Such works may be simple, but are rare displays in today’s world: a warm greeting to a stranger or neighbor, an act of kindness to meet a real need or bring comfort and relief to someone burdened and/or grieving. It is unexpected generosity and benevolence in a world that expects otherwise.
When lifestyle does not match profession, the skeptic says our words cannot be heard because our actions are speaking too loudly. May others consistently hear both our words and lifestyle, as they glorify our Father, and offer compelling incentive to others to join and share in the faith we embrace.
©Steve Taylor, 2024 --Used by permission
Be sure to also see Amazon ebook & print devotional and podcast: New Day Dawning.