Communion Thoughts on New Life
New Day: Mark 10:15
New Day: Genesis 39:6-10
Pine Grove Children's Sermon: The Mystery of the Monarch
© Paula Kirkpatrick, 2023
New Day: Genesis 15:5-6
"Natural" Disasters
New Day: Matthew 10:39
Hidden Discipline of Prayer
"In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there" Mark 1:35.
The secret to true success is one's secret time in prayer. The quiet, hidden discipline of prayer is the common denominator with all genuine people of God.
New Day: Matthew 1:1
New Day: Revelation 11:15-18
We are Covered
"The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them" Genesis 3:21.
Our Father is the original clothier. The consequence of the sin disaster in the Garden of Eden was an awareness of nakedness, for which God provided animal skins for clothing. We presume that a cost was involved in that animals must have been killed in order for their skins to be provided.